Hola. Yo escribira en Espanol y Ingles para hablar Espanol mejor. Hablo un poco Espanol ahora. Despues un mes en Costa Rica, espero yo hablar Espanol mejor.

Hello. I will write in Spanish and English so I can speak Spanish better. I speak a little Spanish now. After a month in Costa Rica I hope to speak Spanish better!

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Llegar a Costa Rica!!! -- Arrived at the Rich Coast!

Ty y yo llegar a San Jose, Costa Rica a cinco a las quince por la manana. El vuelo duro cinco horas. Nosotros fuimos seguridad en un hora. San Jose esta rodeado de montanas. Un hombre se llamas luis manejar a las casa de Paniaguas. La mama Paniaguas es muy amable. Su casa es estupendo. La mama Paiaguas cocinar bien. Comiendo pollo con verduras, frijoles, arroz, y jugo. Esta delicioso. Cuatro otros estudiantas viven en la casa con Ty y yo. Encontramos dos otras estudiantes. Espero encontrar dos otras por la noche o por la manana. Por la noche Ty y yo dormir, y despertarse temprano por la manana. Yo excitado para escuela manana!

Ty and I arrived in San Jose, Costa Rica this morning at 5:15 AM after a five hour flight. It took about an hour for us to get through customs. When we finally got through customs a guy named "Luis" was holding up a sign that said "Universidad Veritas." We got into the car with him and he drove us to our host family's (Family Paniagua) house. San Jose is really pretty because it's cloudy and sunny at the same time and it's totally surrounded by mountains. The family's house is very nice. Ty and I have our own bedroom and bathroom. Our host mom cooks for us, and she makes delicious food! Today for lunch she made us chicken with beans, rice, vegetables, and juice. I'm sure supper tonight will be good as well. We met two of the four students who will be staying here at lunch, but there will be four other students total staying in the house. The other four are upstairs, and Ty and I get a bedroom downstairs. The two we've met seem really nice. I hope we'll meet the other two students tonight or tomorrow morning. Tonight, Ty and I should go to bed early, because we have to wake up really early in the morning. I'm really excited for school tomorrow! I've already learned so much and we've only been here half a day! :)

Disclaimer: Obviously everything I typed in English is different from what I typed in Spanish. What I typed in Spanish took about half an hour and all the help that google translate can offer! ;) It's basic, but I hope that when I start classes the Spanish parts of my post will get better and better! So thanks for reading! :)

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